Our values
Safety of Children
Authentic Parental Interaction in a Natural Environment
Provide a neutral parenting supervisor at a coordinated time and place
Facilitate safe and discreet transfer of children from one parent to the other
Monitor safety of all participants during parenting time
Ensure court directives are followed
Provide the court with brief visit summaries as required
Testify in court hearings when required
Suspend or terminate any visit when the health and safety of any participant cannot be maintained
Our role
Provide a reliable and trusted service to parents and children
Effectively communicate between parties
Protect the confidentiality of the child and parent to the extent required by law
Maintain and protect records according to best practices standards and compliant with applicable law
Our commitment
Our experience
Our supervisors are professionals in the legal, social work, and educational sector; combining to have nearly 50 years of experience. All supervisors hold a Master's Degree, at minimum, in their field, and have a variety of experience working with children and families in various situations. Supervisors have also completed a thorough background check.
Matt moeller | Director of client services
Matt holds a Master's in Teaching and has worked in education as a teacher and administrator for over 14 years. He continues to advise schools and parents on best practices across the country. He has worked with students of all ages with a specific focus on students and families in special circumstances. In his roles, he has focused on the importance of engaging parents as critical partners in their child's education and development.